
AnPro wall panel: Moisture-proof and Anti-termite

The damp-proof and anti-termite wall panel are one of the products that not only have high aesthetic value for the interior but also bring convenience to your home.

With the variety of types, designs, colors, wall panels are being used a lot nowadays. Read the article below to choose the right wall panel product!

Stop condensation with AnPro wall panels

First of all, it is necessary to find out the causes behind major problems with the wall.


– Waterproof, damp-proof is not suitable: Especially on lower floors, when the waterproofing layer is not properly treated, it will increase the possibility of mold on the wall.

– Poor quality building materials: When building a house, materials such as sand, lime, and mortar are mixed with water, making the humidity increase. Although it is a binder, it makes the wall vessels wet, creating conditions for mold to grow.

– Weather: High humidity in the environment, especially when it exceeds 55% in humid in spring, will be an ideal environment for fungi, mold, and bacteria to reproduce.

– Construction problem: During construction, the builder may not pay attention to handling condensation problems carefully.

Giấy dán tường rất dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi yếu tố thời tiết như nồm ẩm, mưa gió
Wallpaper is very easy to be affected by weather factors such as humidity, rain, and wind


– Wet walls: Moisture in wall appear in the spring or the rainy season

– Waterproof problem: You will see water stains on the wall, peeling paint, or wallpaper.

– Mold wall: The wall is waterlogged, which creates an environment for mold growth.

Tường ẩm mốc gây mất thẩm mỹ và ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe
Mold walls can seriously affect health


– Fewer aesthetics

– Must be cleaned regularly and unable to solve the problem completely

– Affect appliances in the house. House always in high humid condition.

– Causing disease because of humid environment

Anti-moisture wall panel solution from AnPro

One of the best ways to deal with condensation walls is to use AnPro moisture-proof wall panel.

AnPro wall panels are manufactured on modern production lines, with high-quality raw materials such as virgin resin, super fine stone powder… to help the wall panel against mold, termites, warping, peeling. Customers will no longer worry about having to repair or renovate your house.

Tấm nhựa ốp tường AnPro đa dạng mẫu mã, thỏa mái lựa chọn cho ngôi nhà
AnPro wall panel has a variety of models, satisfying choices for the home

– Firm and high durability: Thanks to the combination of virgin resin and super fine stone powder, AnPro wall panels can avoid condensation problems. The wall will no longer be cracking or flaking.

– Lightweight, convenient for construction and installation: With 2 layers with a thickness of 6-8mm, the product has good noise resistance and lightweight. 

– Waterproof feature: Made of virgin resin and stone powder, combined with thick film make AnPro wall panel anti-moisture.

– Quick repair: Because AnPro wall panel have a light and durable structure, so it allows customers to fix the problem easily and quickly

– Cost-saving than other materials

The cost of a 6-8mm moisture-proof wall panel is reasonably priced for homes, shops, or large projects like hotels. Products of AnPro also have better prices than other imported products.

Process of constructing AnPro’s moisture-proof wall panels

Step 1: Measure the area of the wall before construction with a tape measure or laser ruler

Đo diện tích bức tường trước khi thi công bằng thước dây hoặc thước lazer

Step 2: Mark the correct location of the first wall panel on the wall

Step 3: Use capless nails to fix the first panel to the wall

Step 4: Install the wort on the first panel, use the expansion screw or fixed nail gun to the wort and the panel to the wall.

Step 5: Install the next panel next to the first panel

Ốp tấm tiếp theo khít vào tấm đều tiên theo hèm khóa âm dương

Step 6: Repeat all the above steps until complete

Step 7: Bending the panel at the edge of the wall, wall corner and fix with glue

For plastered walls, iron frames, or wooden frames, follow the same steps.

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