Price quote

The price of plastic wood grain wall panels

How much is the price of plastic wood grain wall panels? Which unit quotes the best wooden vein wall panels today? These are the questions many customers are interested in about this very popular product. Let’s join AnPro – a reputable unit of environmentally friendly plastic materials and products to learn about the above issue.


1. Wood grain wall panels plastic.

1.1. Structure

To create high-quality wood grain wall panels, it is necessary to comply with strict and accurate processes in the production process. AnPro panels are tightly structured up to layers to increase the resistance to impact, deformation, and fire resistance, far superior to the similar products of other units on the market.

The structure of AnPro wall panels:

  • High-quality decorative film: 16 micros thick, rated as the thickest on the market
  • Rigid Core layer: Safe material from superfine stone powder and virgin plastic. Extrusion technology creates a hollow panel with optimal sound and heat insulation. 
  • Glossy coating: Protect UV layer, increase brightness, resist scratches and resist dust.

1.2. Specifications

AnPro’s wood grain wall panels are available in a variety of sizes, helping customers to have the right choices for their projects.

Below is a table of specifications of popular AnPro panels.





AnPro Wall Panel T610




AnPro Wall Panel T410




AnPro Wall Panel T608




AnPro Wall Panel T408




AnPro Wall Panel T606




AnPro Wall Panel T308




Some colors of AnPro wood grain wall panels.

Tấm nhựa vân gỗ 43A

Tấm nhựa vân gỗ 34A34A

Tấm nhựa vân gỗ 37A37A

Tấm nhựa vân gỗ 26A26A

2. Advantages

Produced by modern and advanced technology, AnPro’s wood grain wall panel is designed based on familiar materials but still has outstanding advantages compared to products from wood natural.

2.1 Waterproof

With the UV coatings and gloss finishes, the AnPro wood grain wall panels have waterproof. Currently, on the market, there are many units to save production costs, so do not pay attention to these coatings. Coming to AnPro, you can be completely confident in product quality, suitable for the choice of installation for kitchen spaces exposed to steam, temperature, toilets or bedrooms, living rooms …

Lặp lại các thao tác cho đến khi hoàn thành đặt các tấm ốp

2.2 Sound insulation

With modern extrusion technology, AnPro wood grain wall panels have better sound insulation and noise resistance than brick or glass walls. Products are suitable for offices, hotels, bedrooms …

Công nghệ ép đùn tạo nên tấm ốp rỗng ruột, giúp cách âm, chống ồn                   
Extrusion technology creates a hollow panel, which helps soundproof and anti-noise.

2.3  Fireproof

Thanks to the flexible and firm adhesive layer and flexible adhesive film, the AnPro wood grain wall panels are resistant to high temperatures, fire, and chemical agents.

2.4 High durability

Because of structure layers, including special coatings, AnPro’s plastic wall panels have high durability (can be up to 30 years). Compared with other wallboard products such as stones, bricks that are quickly damaged, it is extremely reasonable to find wall panels.

Nhờ các lớp phủ nên các tấm nhựa ốp tường vân gỗ có độ bền cao

2.5 Easy to clean

Dễ dàng vệ sinh và chống xước là ưu điểm của tấm nhựa

With its high impact resistance and shiny surface, the wood grain wall panels are easy to clean. Even when cleaning these AnPro products, you do not need to use detergents, just a soft cloth gently wipe the surface while maintaining its freshness and gloss.

2.6 Safe for the user

Since it does not contain formaldehyde and harmful chemicals, when choosing AnPro wood grain wall panel, customers are assured because it does not affect human health. As a reputable unit of environmentally friendly plastic materials and products, AnPro always puts safety on top for users.

Besides, the easy installation, time and cost-saving, high aesthetics are also special advantages that customers love this product line.

Ốp các tấm nhựa khít vào nhau theo hèm khoá âm dương


3. Quotation of plastic wood grain wall panels

Plastic wall panels AnPro in particular as well as other AnPro products in general always have guaranteed quality, reasonable prices, suitable for all types of spaces.

Currently, there are many different lines of wall panel products, the price may be lower such as wallpaper, plaster, metal … but to choose a superior product in terms of safety as well as quality, you should not ignore AnPro’s wood grain wall panels.

Note: The above price list is for reference only. Prices will be adjusted to suit the market from time to time. Besides, the price may depend on the location of AnPro’s dealers and distributors nationwide.

If you still have any questions about the product, please contact us for the best advice and support.

To get the most detailed and accurate quotation on AnPro brand’s products, please contact hotline: 0888 71 75 76

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