Company Events & Activities

An Phat Holdings is praised by The government for donating to national COVID-19 vaccine fund

On the evening of June 5, the launching ceremony of the national COVID-19 vaccine fund in Hanoi was held with the presence of the Prime Minister, representatives of leaders of government, enterprises and organizations.

Phó Thủ tướng Chính Phủ Lê Minh Khái (bên phải) trao chứng nhận cho Ông Phạm Văn Tuấn - Quyền Phó TGĐ Tập đoàn An Phát Holdings (bên trái)
Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai (right) presented donation certificate to Mr. Pham Van Tuan – Acting Deputy CEO of An Phat Holdings (left)

Attending the event, An Phat Holdings was honored to receive the Government’s commendation as pioneer donor to the national COVID-19 vaccine fund. Representative of An Phat Holdings’ management, Mr. Pham Van Tuan – Acting Deputy CEO of the Group received certification for making contribution of VND 20 billion (~$ 851,000) to the national COVID-19 vaccine fund.

In the fight agaisnt COVID-19, An Phat Holdings wishes to contribute to the community, demonstrating the social responsibility of businesses for the country to quickly stamp out Covid-19.

See more pictures at the event:

Tập đoàn An Phát Holdings là doanh nghiệp tiêu biểu được biểu dương tại sự kiện
An Phat Holdings attended the event as a typical enterprise making contribution to the national Covid-19 vaccine fund
Đại diện BLĐ Tập đoàn An Phát Holdings, ông Phạm Văn Tuấn - Quyền Phó TGĐ Tập đoàn (thứ 2 bên trái) nhận hoa và chứng nhận đóng góp 20 tỷ đồng
Representative of managements of An Phat Holdings, Mr. Pham Van Tuan – Acting Deputy CEO of the Group (left) received certification of donating VND 20 billion (~$ 851,000)
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